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SUJA WATERPROOFING SOLUTIONS - Latest update - Epoxy Grouting in Bangalore

Epoxy Grouting in Bangalore

Epoxy grout, on the other hand, is made of epoxy resins combined with a filler powder. This makes it waterproof and almost completely resistant to stains. Its durability makes it the ideal choice for splash backs, floors and high-traffic areas. Epoxy grout won’t crack, shrink, or discolour, making it ideal for applying in wet areas, such as showers. It’s also highly resistant to the harsh chemicals found in cleaning products. As an added bonus, unlike traditional cement grout, epoxy grout does not need to be sealed, due to its non-porous nature.poxy grout is more difficult to apply than traditional grout. It takes longer to apply and sets quickly, so must be applied in stages. Tiles must also be cleaned thoroughly before applying epoxy grout. Epoxy can discolour porous surfaces, such as natural stone, so these surfaces should be sealed prior to grouting.Epoxy can also have a slightly plastic look to it, compared to the textured cement look of regular grout. Any epoxy residue left on tiles will have a glossy sheen to it, so must be cleaned thoroughly immediately after application. Due to its sheen, epoxy grout is also less forgiving and highlights imperfections in your tiling. 

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