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SUJA WATERPROOFING SOLUTIONS - Latest update - water tank Waterproofing/Sump waterproofing Maruthi Mandira  Call Now: 9945843699

Water tank Waterproofing/Sump waterproofing Maruthi Mandira Call Now: 9945843699


SikaTop®-107 Seal IN is a two part, acrylic polymer modified cementitious liquid applied waterproofing coating system. It comprises of a liquid polymer and a cement based mix incorporating special admixtures. It is applied to concrete and mortar to prevent water infiltration.


 Waterproofing applications for various structures such as: Potable concrete water tanks, reservoirs, waste water tanks

 ▪ Terraces, balconies, sunshades, etc.

 ▪ Flat and small roofs

 ▪ Basement and Retaining walls

▪ Swimming pools, fountains, water bodies, canals

▪ RCC gutters, drains and planter boxes

 ▪ Wet areas like toilets, kitchen, utility, sunk slabs

 ▪ Lift pits, sump, etc.

▪ Interior and exterior waterproofing and damp-proofing of concrete, cementitious rendering, brickwork and blockwork

▪ Protection of concrete structures against the effects of de-icing salts and freeze-thaw attack

 ▪ Pore / blowhole filling Sealing fine “hairline” cracks in concrete structures not subject to movement

 ▪ Sealing internal basement walls against dampness

APPLICATION IMPORTANT SikaTop®-107 Seal IN may display signs of “blooming” after rain or in damp weather. This does not affect the performance of the coating in any way. IMPORTANT Do not apply in direct sun and/or strong wind. IMPORTANT In areas of severe water penetration, three coats might be required. IMPORTANT Protect freshly applied material from freezing conditions, rains etc.


 ▪ Easy to apply by brush, spray or flat trowel

 ▪ No additional water is required to make the slurry

 ▪ Pre-batched components with consistent quality

 ▪ Easy and fast mixing Highly water resistant, reduces saltpetre action and prevents carbonation ▪ ▪ Protects concrete from chloride penetration

 ▪ Non-corrosive to steel and iron ▪ Approved for potable water contact

 ▪ Flexible enough to bridge hairline crack

 ▪ Bonds well to all damp substrates

 ▪ Good abrasion resistance Good adhesion to reinforced concrete, mortar or masonry

 ▪ Fast curing APPROVALS / STAND

The concrete substrate must be sound and with a minimum pull off strength of 1.0 N/mm2.

 ▪ The substrate must be free of all traces of contaminants, loose and friable particles, cement laitance, oils and grease, wax, curing compounds, water repellent coatings etc.

▪ The substrate must be prepared by suitable mechanical preparation techniques such as high pressure water jetting, needle guns, grinding, blast cleaning etc.

  ▪ High spots must be removed by grinding. Weak concrete must be removed and surface defects such as blowholes and voids must be fully exposed.

▪ Repairs to the substrate, filling of blowholes/voids and surface levelling must be carried out using appropriate products from the Sikafloor®, Sikadur® and Sikagard® range of materials.

 ▪ All dust, loose and friable material must be completely removed from all surfaces before application of the product, preferably by brush and/or vacuum.

▪ Any wax based curing compounds or water repellent coatings must be fully removed by scraping or grinding. ▪

 ▪ All intersections of horizontal and vertical surfaces

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